Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Basic Information and Facts You Need To Know About Thai Massage

Today, many people are turning to different forms of massage to alleviate pain, stress and tension. One of the most popular forms of massage that people are giving preference to is Thai massage. In order to appreciate this technique better, you first need to understand what it is. This involves getting basic as well as important information such as its origin, how it is employed, and its benefits.

A brief history of Thai massage

It is believed that Thai massage was founded in the 5th century B.C by Dr. Jivaka Komarabhacca. Thai massage forms one of the three branches of the famous Traditional Thai medicine.

According to sources, Komarabhacca was a famous practitioner of Ayurvedic healing technique and became the lead doctor in the community of Buddhist and monk followers. During his travel, he learned Chinese tradition medicine, which he combined with Ayurvedic methods when he arrived in Thailand. During that time, Thailand was a center for trade between India and countries located in the Far East. 

How Thai massage is done

Thai massage is different from other forms of massage known to western countries. First and most importantly, no oils or lotions are used. This is different from how Westerners perceive massage to be. How is that so? In most cases, a lotion or aromatic oil is used during the massage session. In addition to that, the recipient of the massage is usually fully clothed and lies on the floor or mat.

Another difference lies in the fact that massage therapists who give this massage use more than just their hands-feet, knees and forearms.

In this type of treatment, rhythmic pressure is usually applied on specific lines on the body called sen energy lines, which are similar to Indian nadis or energy channels. The recipient also assists the massage therapist in performing certain yoga positions. This is the main reason why Thai massage is also referred to as Thai Yoga Massage. Another important element is stretching.

Benefits of Thai massage

As we mentioned earlier on, people frequent spas because they want to take advantage of the stress relieving benefits of Thai massage. Here are more benefits of getting a Thai massage:
       Mobilizes joints

Thai massage releases tension in your joints thus enhancing range of movement and adding mobility. This treatment can help to increase joint mobility, especially after multiple treatments.
             Improves blood circulation

Thai massage is a rigorous technique which improves circulation by incorporation of muscular, skeletal and touch manipulation.
             Increases energy

Thai massage is inspired by the principles of Chinese medicine. It works along energy line, enabling energy to flow in the body with much ease. During the Thai massage in Perth session, the therapist will try to manipulate these points until it feels that the energy is released.

Thai massage is one of the most effective forms of massage today. It focuses on energy lines along the body to increase energy and also improve the circulation of blood in the body.

Sunday, March 12, 2017

Top Foods That Will Easily Stain your Teeth

Poor eating habits can easily lead to many health complications especially to our dental healthcare. In deed the dental healthcare is so delicate that without proper care our teeth could decay, discolor, or stain. So which types of foods will easily stain our teeth? There are quite a number that I am going to mention today. The great news is we can still enjoy them as we have proper dental care practices and also awesome teeth whitening kits.

Black Coffee

One of the most notorious foods at staining the teeth, the dark color of caffeine will easily dim your sparkling teeth every time you take a sip. With time the effect will be visible and you will lose your beauty smile. Experts say adding milk or cream helps, but the best advice would be brushing your teeth after coffee or having a dentist recommended teeth whitening kit by your side.

Cola Drinks

We all love them. Actually, we must have taken it when young. Cola drinks erode your teeth enamel, cause decay, and may trigger cavities. Cold cola is even worse as it makes your teeth enamel more porous. This makes your enamel more vulnerable to staining.


Tea and coffee will do more or less the same thing. And while tea is an excellent beverage for your overall health including the dental part, black tea leaves the worst stains. If you can’t drink your tea through a straw you can as well use any commendable teeth whitening kit. Tea is however great as it’s packed up with tannins that helps in killing the cavity-causing bacteria.

Cranberry Juice

Cranberry juice has high levels of sugar. This is dangerous for your teeth especially if you aren’t planning to wash it off or brush off as soon as you are done. The truth is dark colored fruit drinks have pigments that will tarnish your teeth and cause them to turn yellowish.

Red Wine

Unlike tea, the red wine doesn’t include tannins; however experts say it has polyphenols that boost the prevention of periodontal diseases that damage the teeth bone and gums. However, red wine these polyphenols are great at staining the teeth. Additionally the alcoholic content in red wine is also acidic and easily wears off the teeth enamel. It is advisable to rinse your teeth with water.

Tomato Sauce

Tomato sauce is highly acidic. If it attaches to your teeth it will cause a number of unwanted discolorations. You can protect your teeth by using teeth whitening kits, eating spinach salad, as the spinach will form a protective coat over your teeth and prevent staining.

There are many other foodstuffs and drinks that will have the same effect. Some of the notorious ones that have the same effect as tomato sauce include balsamic vinegar, and soy sauce. Popsicles also contains a number of dyes that will not only color your lips but also stain your teeth and tongue. The sugar and the icing in popsicles also make your teeth more porous to stains. 

Monday, December 12, 2016

Organic Tampon- Better Sanitary Option

As girls turns into ladies, feminine type of changes are being encountered or experienced. When adolescence strikes, an indication could be felt emotionally and most especially physically. There can be change in voice, growth of hair in some parts of the body. The most remarkable one is having a first menstrual flow for girls. It’s a sudden change that put ladies into major adjustment. To maintain a hygienic state, tampon is being introduced.  

What Is A Tampon?

These are a particular feminine product that is responsible for menstrual flow absorption. Before any blood leaves woman’s body, tampon is inserted into vagina’s opening. Primarily, tampon is utilized as hygiene product for feminine use.

The term tampon originates from a French (medieval) term “tampion”, which refers to a cloth that is used as stopper or plug. Some countries such as US regulates this tampons as a type of medical device.

Tampon Brands

Some of tampon brands are produced through the mixture of non-cotton material and rayon.  Furthermore, it is typically chlorine-based. There are tampons that could be enclosed in outer plastic and is dyed in varied hue. But there are also safer tampons, the organic tampon.

 Rayon on Tampon

Like what’s mentioned, the rayon is a material that is commonly used for making tampon. It is a fiber that is highly absorbent. That is why this is great in menstrual absorbing capability.  But then, this could dry out the vagina’s natural as well as protective lining of its mucous.

Since tampons are being inserted into woman’s vagina, it should be a hundred percent safe, without any danger of infection due to the materials use in it. There’s a great possibility for you to be exposed in dioxins, azo-dyes as well as pesticide residues. This is where organic tampon works best. The use of this 100% percent organic hygienic product would let you know what exact material you’re inserting into yourself.

Nothing could be better with the use of organic materials. Some of beneficial features of organic tampon includes the following:

·         Organic tampon is made from 100% organic material, nothing more and nothing less.
·         There’s no dyes, rayon and even plastic component. These components could cause some irritation and other negative effects on you. So it’s better to be safe from it.
·         It’s completely free from chlorine. Just imagine using tampons with this.
·         It expands lengthways. This tampon property is great for feminine convenience.
·         Organic tampons like organic tampons Australia are smooth and there’s cardboard applicator that is easy glide.
·         It’s great because it’s compostable and biodegradable. You will not just be helping yourself. Y
·         You’re also helping you environment.

As a tampon user, you must be secured with the type of product you’re using because there’s great possibility that it could harm you in varied of ways.  Approximately, women all over the world such as Australian women people, could utilize about 9,000 tampons in a lifetime. You might think this is absurd calculation. Well, it’s not. With a lot of times you’re using tampons, you must be knowledgeable on how your current pads. Organic tampon is one of highly recommended tampon.

Sunday, July 24, 2016

Richard Grannon

Richard Grannon is a professional life coach who uses Spartan Life Coaching values to help victims of Complex Post Trauma Stress Disorder (CPTSD) situations and narcissistic abuse. In this video he tells about three practical tips on how to deal with CPTSD. 

Richard tells us that CPTSD can be treated through natural options (personal therapy). Richard’s three practical tips of doing this alone include the following things. First understand your physical, psychological and emotional state to emotionally re-regulate yourself. 

Next get your boundaries back. Richard advices anyone with CPTSD to “Build Better Boundaries.” Getting your internal boundaries will lead you to the final step which is starting to get in touch with your personal emotions and learning how to dissociate your feelings from your thoughts. Learn more about Richard Grannon and CPTSD. Browse the internet for more tips.

Monday, June 6, 2016

3 Tips to Finding a Good Periodontist

If you have been having problems with your gums for some time now, it might just be time to seek the help of a periodontist. But you don’t want to settle for just any periodontist. To ensure that you get value for your money, you will have to find the best. This is not to say that periodontists are cheap. However, these tips should help you find a good periodontist to treat your gums at a price that’s within your budget boundaries.

·         Consult with your dentist

The main goal of your dentist is to offer the best treatment options for your teeth as well as care for them. This means that your dental health is his priority. Your dentist can help you find the right dentist to solve your dental problem. If you need a periodontist to treat your gums or make a dental implant, your dentist will be in a better position to advice you. However, you shouldn’t be worried if you don’t know what to expect from a periodontist. Since the dentist knows what you need should give you the confidence you need to make the move. Your dentist knows fellow dentists who are professional periodontists and will recommend only the best. You should take into consideration what the dentist advices you with regards to seeking the help of a certain periodontist.

·         Ask for referrals from family members

You may also want to discuss your search for a good periodontist with a family member when you get home. Chances are that your partner’s co-worker knows someone who is a professional periodontist or your son knows a boy or girl in high school who has a parent that is a periodontist. It is much easier for you to get their help this way. You can’t tell what they will be able to come up with when you ask them. Feel free to tell them that you are looking for a good periodontist for your gum problem. You can even describe the condition.

·         Use the internet

A single search on Google or other major search engines will pull a list of all periodontists in your area. Most periodontists have a website where they interact with their clients and reach potential clients. Make sure that you read customer reviews, which are often provided on the website. You should be satisfied with what other customers are saying about the periodontist san francisco. Choose one that suits you and your loved ones. You can actually contact them and schedule a meeting with them.

·         Choose a periodontist in your area

You don’t have to travel thousands or even hundreds of kilometers just to get the help of a periodontist. You can find a good periodontist in your locality. Why spend a lot of money on travel when you can find a professional in your area.

If want to get the best dental care then you must find a good periodontist. There are many out there and you will want to ensure that you choose one that is not only a professional but also work within your budget boundaries.

Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Types of Infertility Treatments and When to Use Them

Infertility in both male and female has become quite rampant today. Many conditions including low sperm count, blocked sperm ducts, poor sperm movement, anti sperm antibodies, and poor sperm health have been the common causes of infertility in males.

For women severe uterine anomalies, blocked fallopian tubes, endometriosis, fibroid tumors, cervical problems, and other ovarian disorders have carried the day in causing female infertility. In case of infertility seeking the services of a doctor is vital since most of these conditions are indeed treatable. Here are some infertility treatments and the most ideal times to use them. 

Use of Medications

This is ideal for low sperm counts and other ovulation problems. Medical treatments will give ideal prescriptions such as clomiphene for women that will boost ovulation. In men medication will boost the production of testosterone. Women who use these forms of treatment are likely to experience multiple births as medications trigger ovaries to release more than one egg per cycle.

Sperm/Egg Donations

If a fertile woman seeks to have a baby they can seek sperm donors and get pregnant through IUI or IVF. Alternatively an infertile woman can also seek egg donors or visit egg donation clinic if they want a healthy egg fertilized with their partner’s sperms while they carry it to term. In this case they might act like surrogate mothers but still enjoy the beauty of pregnancy. 

Use of Surgeries

There are also other surgical procedures that can be used to correct infertility. In case of blocked fallopian tubes. Doctors can attempt to correct the condition by using surgical procedures. Often blocked fallopian tubes are caused by overgrowth of tissues that line the uterus (endometriosis) or pelvic infections. This surgical procedure is laparoscopy and works well with IVF. 


Intrauterine Insemination (IUI) and In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) almost work in the same ways. In IUI the male sperms are washed in a special solution. The healthiest sperms are then transferred into the uterus during ovulation. The sperms will them move up to the fallopian tube to meet up with the released egg and undergo fertilization. IVF on the other hand involves collection of eggs from a woman and sperms from a man. The two are then fertilized in a laboratory dish before the resultant embryo is transferred to an already prepared womb for implantation. One of the experts from IVF San Diego advices couples who are over 35 and seeking to conceive to seek IVF.

IVF can be used with donor egg. It can also be used during intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) process to help a man with low sperm count. In ICSI the only healthy sperm is injected directly to the egg and later on after fertilization transferred to the womb through IVF.