Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Worried Of Sensitive Skin – Grab Dermactiv

I have always been a shy gal, more comfortable at the back of the pack than leading from the front. You can point fingers at me and call me a coward, but if you went through a harsh puberty stage like I did you would think twice before choosing to do that. 

Ideally I had always suffered from a sensitive skin. But since puberty my skin has sustained acute acne outbursts with very conspicuous red sores, something that stole my confidence and left me with so much anger and anxiety.

In my desperation I had chosen to use various skin care products that I could lay my hands on in a desire to reverse my acne. But that was not to be easily realized. 

In fact to add salt to pepper, many cosmetic products that I used were either a boomerang or simply without any visible results. 

From unwanted side effects such as burns, pigmentation, rashes, to chars many of these skin care products were not able to reverse my acne even to the smallest degree that I can remember. 

I was tossed to a world of confusion, and with no one to turn to I resolved to become a one gal team. Many of my age mates mocked me, I missed out on puberty fun, no camping hikes, or dancing partner for my prom. Growing up was hell of a time for me. 

But once I stepped in college my life changed albeit for the best. I met this gal that had previously had the same problem as mine. We bonded and became the best of friends little did I know that she was to become my guardian angel. 

On my 21st birthday she gave me an ideal skin care product for my birthday present – Dermactiv – a product that she confessed to have used before and which changed her life forever. 

In the begging I was quite skeptical in giving it a try, but her persuasion won me over and before I knew it I was head over heels about Dermactiv. 

Every morning before going for my lectures and in the evening before going to bed I would cleanse my face, and apply Dermactiv. Mildly I would rub it in until it was absorbed. 

Two weeks - and before I knew it everybody was marveling at how beautiful I had become. Dermactiv had gotten rid of my stubborn acne with its active ingredients that were composed of Dimethylaminoethanol (DMAE), Retinol, and Vitamin C. 

Today it’s more than a year and nothing worries me on my sensitive skin because I have Dermactiv tucked somewhere in my side bag.

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